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vintage inspired

INSPIRED BY ERNST | drowned with two stories

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INSPIRED BY ERNST | drowned with two stories

In 1930s Germany, a mother and father watched the lives of their fourteen (yes, fourteen!) children divide. The eldest children had left home for America. They immigrated to Connecticut; one of them is my great-grandfather. The younger children remained in Germany in the heart of World War II. None would live past the age of 37.

Between the prosperity of those who left for America and the destitution of the ones who remained to see Germany through the war, there is outlier in the family of fourteen - Ernst. The footnote on his records says, “drowned in the Rhine River”.

There are two, completely different, absolutely plausible stories that could have led to his ending.

The simple story is from one other detail in that footnote: “drowned in the Rhine River during a seizure”. During a seizure. Epilepsy runs in the family, affecting descendants even today in 2020. If this is the case, Ernst is the earliest known relative to have it - that’s over 100 years of epilepsy in one blood line.

Swimming (and baths) are one of the more high risk activities a person with active epilepsy can do, so it’s plausible to imagine 24-year-old Ernst in 1930s swimwear, leisurely floating the winding river, when an unexpected seizure came over him and left him unconscious under deep water.

The more complex story is to look more closely at timelines, history, and maps. It was June of 1938 - the rumbling beginnings of World War II. German troops already occupied Vienna, Austria and Hitler declared to destroy Czechoslovakia just one week before Ernst’s death. And as for maps? The Rhine River, where Ernst drowned, separates Germany from its famously neutral neighbor - Switzerland.

Could something have gone wrong in Ernst’s attempt to cross the river to safer borders? There’s no way to know, but when you consider the lives of his other German-residing siblings, you think maybe he had a hunch for what was coming. In the next few years, one brother would be killed in the Siege of Leningrad and another in the largest confrontation of World War II - the Battle of Stalingrad. Seven of the siblings would die in Germany within eleven years, all deceased before 1950, all before age 37.

Two plausible stories, no way to ever know the full truth. Maybe it’s the love of unsolved mysteries in me, that makes this particular family history tale stand out to me despite the lack of details. The contrast between the lives of the American-bound siblings, the Germany siblings, and Ernst - right in the middle with a sad ending in the middle of a river - brings World War II history to a much more personal level. I wish I knew more about Ernst and his fateful day in the Rhine, but for now I connect with him by paying tribute to his story through these pictures.

We went to a gentle, winding, river that maybe feels a little bit like the Rhine River meeting the Black Forest in Germany. With an outfit reminiscent of a 1930s bathing costume, we photographed until the sun went down without another soul in sight. The sunset, the warm glittery water with tiny fish, the forest, it was perfect!

If you’re wondering, isn’t Ernst a man? Yes, this is my great-uncle who I’ve chosen to portray with a female model. Through history, it has always been more common to preserve the records and stories of men. Female ancestors are equally important though often dismissed as simply “wife of so-and-so” or “daughter of so-and-so” with no other information. I am portraying male ancestors with women models, because every male ancestor came from a woman. And so I honor him. And I honor her.

INSPIRED BY NANA | a newlywed prom
INSPIRED BY GRANDMA | Grandma Kaiser and the nudists

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INSPIRED BY NANA | a newlywed prom


INSPIRED BY NANA | a newlywed prom

I grew up with a framed, black and white portrait of my grandparents hanging on our living room wall. It was right by the family computer desk, where I spent too many hours playing, so I was very familiar with that picture. He was in a suit, she was in a white formal gown. There are hints of fancy decor around the edges. For the longest time, I figured it must be a picture from their wedding. I was wrong! Years later I learned that the picture is from their 1956 prom. But the thing you ought to know about the prom photo is….

… that they were already married!

He was senior class president, she was class secretary. Together they were a part of the morning announcements, senior prom committee, and were in the running to be King and Queen.

GRAMPS: My best friend was the king and Nana’s best friend was the queen. [But] of course, all the kids, all the members of our class, were all upset because they wanted it to be us. But the school didn’t want it.

Because, they were married.

In December, they had been married in a small wedding ceremony where Nana wore a white dress suit and the next month they attended senior prom where she wore a formal white gown. Since they were living together, there was no need for Gramps to come pick her up at the door of her mother’s home. They simply hopped in backseat of their friend’s car (they themselves carless) and made their way to Milford High’s “Stairway to the Stars.” They would have walked in to see the spiral staircase that Gramps’ recent stepfather Carl made for the event, complete with “wire netting and cotton candy stuffing for clouds” so that the seniors “could really walk up it into the clouds [where] we hung stars”.

Being the married couple at the senior prom wasn’t all hearts and stars. I asked Gramps if he had any particularly fond memories from the event (he said the afterparty) and then if there were any particularly negative memories.

GRAMPS: I think the only negative thing was [the papers] made a big deal about us being married, you know. They would come in... and want to take a picture of the married couple. They would try to get in there, make it a big deal, trying to capitalize on the event. We made the newspapers. I think my mother somewhere probably has an article from the newspaper (laughs).

Nana’s presence at the prom as a married woman did not go unnoticed and it did not happen in vain. In that time, married women had not been allowed to continue school. Using their connections in the community and being in the class presidency, Nana and Gramps petitioned for her to finish her senior year. They brought the issue directly to the Board of Education - and they agreed. Not only Nana, but another female student who was married that year was allowed to stay as well. One student who left to have a baby was permitted to return. The norms were changed.

GRAMPS: All because of Nana.

GRAMPS: The thing is that if you look at that picture, I think, mom’s hand, you can see the wedding ring on her hand.

And I am fortunate enough to be the recipient of that ring after Nana passed away in 2007. I kept her ring in the red, velvet mortuary bag since the day it was handed to me when I was sixteen. I always knew that I would use it as my own wedding ring one day. And I did! I should add that in true Gramps nature, he approached me after my wedding ceremony and said, “You know, I’ve been trying to remember what I did with that thing!”

We were able to use Nana’s original ring from that original prom picture in this photoshoot. To add another layer of connection between her marriage and mine, we used my original veil from my 2012 wedding in the shoot as well.

I searched high and low for the perfect vintage dress to go with these pictures. Something that felt “prom” just as much “wedding” like Nana’s prom photo does. I was only working off my memory off the prom photo, which I hadn’t seen in years, but when the listing for this dress came up on my screen, I knew it was the one. A month later I was able to track down that original prom photo and it truly was a perfect match.

If the thought crossed your mind, “My goodness this girl looks to young to be modeling a bridal look!” 1) you’re right but also 2) I purposefully chose someone the same age Nana had been when she was married in 1955.

We drove out to a quaint historic schoolhouse for the shoot. It’s all a little bit prom, a little bit bridal, and all at a little pink school house. This was the project I set out to do this summer and I’m so happy it’s all here.

INSPIRED BY GRANDMA | Grandma Kaiser and the nudists


INSPIRED BY GRANDMA | Grandma Kaiser and the nudists


INSPIRED BY GRANDMA | Grandma Kaiser and the nudists

Are your childhood memories scattered with odd, fragmented pieces of family stories that you've never quite heard in their entirety? You're not even sure it's factual in the slightest? I love those little nugget stories. I love all stories and the main goal of my photography is to preserve stories - those of couples, spouses, families, all of it. So when the idea popped into my head to turn one of my own family's nugget stories into a very loosely based theme for a portrait shoot, it didn't take long to get the ball rolling. I told my sister about the idea, the next day we were thrifting for the outfit and the vintage camera, and the next day we were shooting. In the middle of all that, I finally had the conversation with my mom to confirm whether or not GRANDMA KAISER AND THE NUDISTS actually happened... so here's the story.

MOM: Grandma and Pop Pop didn’t like to drive. Pop Pop would fly, but Grandma didn’t like to fly… so they basically didn’t go anywhere. We didn’t go anywhere growing up… [but] they decided to take us on a family vacation and it was only in Middletown, which was like a 45 minute drive.

EMILY: Like to the beach?

MOM: No, it was in Middletown.. like in the middle of the state. And they had this little family resort there-

EMILY: OOOH. Like in Dirty Dancing.

MOM: Yeah! Yeah.

EMILY: Awesome.

MOM: They had cabins, you know, kinda nice cabins. They had a lake and a pool, and they had a lodge, and it must have been about 1969.

MOM: *Looks directly into my eyes*

MOM: And that was the time of the hippies.



MOM: And they happen to be marching through Middletown when we were there - oh! And it was called “Happy Acres!” You can Google it. That was the name of the resort.

MOM: And so… we were, you know, there, and all of a sudden these hippies came marching down the road and they saw that there was a pond off to the side and they... some of them... took off all their clothes… and jumped in it!

MOM: And Grandma snapped a couple ‘a shots of ‘em.

EMILY: That's a really good story.

EMILY: …what did she do with the pictures?

MOM: She put them in the photo album!

MOM: And you know what too? It was like off in the distance, the people, and you know back then we didn’t have good cameras, you know, so it was like a little fuzzy and uh, the guy was like, you know, he wasn’t like..

EMILY: Up close?

MOM: Yeah, up close.

EMILY: That’s a really good story.

So there it is. As it turns out, that little nugget story from a vague childhood memory was..... actually the entire story. But I love it because it perfectly encapsulates the peculiar Grandma Kaiser that I remember. The main additional detail that really sparked our interest was that "Happy Acres" was akin to "Kellerman's" in Dirty Dancing. Even both in the 60s! My sister and I debated, "So, is Grandma Baby?" "Wait, no, she was the mom. That means OUR MOM was Baby." Omg.

Since our Grandma Kaiser would have been nearly 40 at the time, we decided to knock back her style a decade or so earlier - more alike to the style she would have been partial to from her young adulthood. Though it was made clear that Happy Acres was not a beach resort ("Middletown... like in the middle of the state") we took some artistic liberty there keep the whole scheme with a sepia-esque warmth all over, from the lighting, the sand, to the color palette of the outfit.

And because I have an affinity for any IMDB Trivia page, here's a few random fun facts...

  • We lucked out finding a vintage Baldina camera that aligns with the time era that Grandma Kaiser would have been buying a camera. Baldina is a German camera company and our family history is heavily German. My sister (in this shoot) is named HEIDI for goodness sake and I just got Emily?!

  • The old photos you see scattered through this post are from Grandma Kaiser and Pop Pop's wedding day in 1961. Grandma Kaiser passed away in 2008 and Pop Pop joined her almost exactly 10 years later.

  • My sister was the natural choice for this shoot, especially given the fact that out of the three siblings in our family, she tends to look most like our Kaiser relatives.

  • And one last shout out to Heidi the German sister model, because as warm and glowy and gold these pictures look, it was SO COLD. The wind on the Long Island Sound in March is not kind. But I can't deny I love the way the wind tousled those grandma curls. Worth. It.

  • I have yet to see the photos that Grandma Kaiser took of the nudists, but somewhere in some box... they exist.


INSPIRED BY NANA | a newlywed prom